Meet Shellie.

1. What was life like before recovery?

IIt was a whirlwind of chaos. Once I picked up any substance it was off to the races per se! It didn’t matter what drug it was, I just wanted more. I had endured a lot of trauma in my life from growing up with alcoholic parents to sexual, physical and verbal abuse. I used the drugs to escape the pain inside and out!

2. When did you realize you needed help?

I knew at a young age I didn’t want the life my parents had, but had no idea what to do about it. I had my live in boyfriend die by suicide and that set me in motion to use even more. It took 2 years before I decided to ask for help which was after my Grandfather said to me, “You aren’t even my Granddaughter anymore, what happened to you?!

3. Is there someone in your life that supported you in your journey to recovery?

My Mother did the best she could, but didn’t understand. She loved me no matter what and was happy she didn’t need to worry so much once I got clean.

4. What challenges did you overcome to thrive in recovery?

I spent a lot of time in therapy and in NA meetings. I had to learn to forgive myself and to love myself. Finding a spiritual connection was one of the most important things as I knew no matter what someone loved me (Creator). I still struggle from time to time and have to humble myself and ask for help and support from my peers and/or family.

5. What has surprised you most about recovery?

The unconditional love and support of people who start off as strangers and become family!

6. What does life look like for you now?

I am comfortable in my own skin and love who I am and what my life is today! I believe the hell I endured when I was young is what saved my life and I see it as a blessing, not a curse! I am forever grateful for those who went before me to be able to love me and show me the way! I worked a good job for 27 years and was able to retire and enjoy my life. I have truly been blessed!

7. What advice do you have for someone that is struggling right now?

Most importantly, be honest with yourself and others! We are only as sick as our secrets and they die in the light! Keep the hope alive!!