Meet Mike.

1. What was life like before recovery?

Life before recovery was a VERY dark place. A place of no morals—a living hell!

2. When did you realize you needed help?

The first time I realized i needed help was when my younger brother went to in-patient treatment. I was worse off than him, and I only went for out-patient. After years of trying it on my own, I relapsed and went to an even darker place than I had ever been before. When suicide didn’t work, and the drugs couldn’t kill the pain inside, my brothers and family did an intervention, and I went to an intense in -patient treatment program where I FINALLY surrendered!

3. Is there someone in your life that supported you in your journey to recovery?

My wife and my entire family has supported me in my recovery, and continue to to this day.

4. What challenges did you overcome to thrive in recovery?

There are so many challenges I've had to overcome, and continue to in recovery. Having to deal with the death of my younger brother, my nephew, and my father have been the most challenging. Just dealing with every day life in the beginning was enough.

5. What has surprised you most about recovery?

Recovery has given me a true family of friends I had never found before while using. A network of people who share the same beliefs, give me honest love and support to help me get through whatever life throws my way, and do it clean.

6. What does life look like for you now?

Life today is way better than I could have ever imagined it to be. There are still struggles that come along in life, but having the friends and family,I have today, I know in my heart there is nothing I can’t get through clean.

7. What advice do you have for someone that is struggling right now?

My advice to someone struggling now is: call or talk to another recovering addict. And most of all, make a commitment to yourself: DON’T PICK UP, NO MATTER WHAT!