Meet Nick.

1. What was life like before recovery?

To quote a book I read; a self will run riot. A continual downward spiral that was devoid of God. We’ve all heard the stories.

2. When did you realize you needed help?

I was the absolute last person to know. I think by that time even complete strangers that I would interact with knew that there were issues. Others had been trying to advise me to seek help for quite some time.

3. Is there someone in your life that supported you in your journey to recovery?

There were many people who tried to support me through my recovery journey. It mostly started with family and friends, then progressed to law enforcement, counselors, and judges. Then it moved to employers and employees and finally landed on the community and those in recovery. At that point it finally became clear to me that God was with me throughout the entirety of my journey. As far back as I can trace, I see signs of Him.

4. What challenges did you overcome to thrive in recovery?

Like most who stay around and find long term recovery I have had all the challenges that are required by the changes brought about by thoroughly going through the steps. I think my largest hurdle would be getting out of self. Ego and pride were elusive to me for an extensive period even after finding recovery. From time to time, I still get to deal with their consequences.

5. What has surprised you most about recovery?

The concept of unfathomable blessings as discussed throughout the bible. As the term would suggest they are beyond our imagination. I guess reviewing where I am today in comparison to where I was, I never felt worthy of the blessing nor could I have even guessed id ever be where I am today.

6. What does life look like for you now?

Unrecognizable when compared to the past. Filled with God and family, a love for community and gratitude. Really hard to quantify all the changes that have taken hold.

7. What advice do you have for someone that is struggling right now?

Get a sponsor and do the steps. It can be easy if you don’t complicate it for yourself.